There’s Magic in Me


“There’s magic in me,” she said

Little girl with the sweetest voice

Tears swell quickly and trickle down my face

In her, I see myself

The child who believed it could be true for her too

The one who thought 

She could do anything — even fly 

But she learned it was foolish to believe in magic

It’s illusion and disillusion, she was taught

So she covered it up

Let it dull

Until magic couldn’t shine anymore

She’d scoff when she’d see it in others

While dying a little inside every time

But magic never died in her

— it never could

And as she came home to herself

Each layer she had used to cover it up

Began to shrivel

To dust

The wind carried it away 

And I saw that it was still there

Patiently waiting for me to see

There’s magic in me.

(Inspired by Arielle Estoria at the Embodied Poetry event by HYDS)


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